Earn Money through Affiliate Marketting

If you don’t know already affiliate marketing is a way to earn money online by acting as a middle man promoting products of some other company and getting a commission for every sale that you make.
This is the most sought after method of making money online.
So HOW DO I START??? Today I will give a detailed explanation on the topic “Affiliate Marketing”.

First of all you have to make an account on websites like “Clickbank” or “CommisionJunkie”. These are the most popular website however there are numerous other websites. Provide correct and detailed information while you set up the account because this information will be used to send your commission.
This step is the most important and must be performed carefully and vary from person to person.
These websites have a range of products varying in different genres. On these websites different vendors (people who have a product to sell) have provided the information of their product. Now here’s the tricky part you can’t just select any random product and start promoting it.
For e.g.: Suppose you have a Blog about Photography. The most appropriate product for you will be something belonging to your expertise that is something related to Photography. Since your Blog visitors are people who want to know more about Photography and equipments related to it. So if they have enough confidence about you or they like the product you are promoting the chances of them making a purchase is much higher in comparison to if you were promoting a Cat product (which has nothing to do with your blog).
So Product selection is one of the most important factor which determine your total number of sales and hence your total commission.
Now you have selected a product belonging to your genre then what to do??
These websites provide you with a special link resembling your account i.e. if anyone follows that link to make a purchase the website will automatically know that this sale was made by you and not anyone else and the commission will be forwarded to your account.
Now to get your audience to purchase a product you should build up faith and confidence in them for your product. For that you will have to be really persuasive and try not to fake it. If you have a popular blog where people rely on you and the content you provide then it’s your responsibility to not lose their trust and promote a genuine product.
My advice for you on this topic will be to visit popular blogs on your niche and go through their techniques of promoting a product. This will give an idea on how to write a good review as well as other techniques on how to increase sales. One method I really cherish and use myself is to make videos giving a detailed experience,this gives a personal touch and adds value to your product.

These were my thoughts on affiliate marketing. If you have any query or views to share please do it in comments section below. I will try my best to respond to all the comments.

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